Poise through the noise.

Part of being a creator who makes things on his or her own dime, time and two dirty hands is having limited options and resources at your disposal to see those fleeting visions in your head come to life.  In the unfortunate case of being Patrick Joseph in the infancy of 2013, this means you share a cheap, run-down studio with a handful of other bands & artists who don't exactly swim on the same wavelength. 

I sit here staring at you, my dear friend, looking back through the screen into your eyes in any hope to distract myself from my noisy neighbors right next door who somehow find a way for their intrusive rumbling to penetrate the well-insolated walls of this space.  If you want to know what 1986 probably sounded like, it's happening clumsily and excessively right next door, in a muddy cloud of delusion and intrusion into the airspace that should be my santuary of thought and creation. 

But, being a passenger on this ship, there is no sense in cursing the waves.  You learn to make the most with the circumstances you're given, and despite my need to tend to the creation of a very delicate acoustic song admist a mess of muffled Van Halen mockery, Moon King will prevail.

Here is a snapshot of the inside of my head.

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